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Addons for Elementor Documentation

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Once WPMozo Addons is activated it adds a number of widgets to the Elementor builder. To insert the widget, use the following steps.

  1. Create/edit a page/post that uses Elementor builder.
  2. Create/edit container.
  3. Search widget Breadcrumbs under WPMozo.


Breadcrumbs are a type of secondary navigation that help users understand their location within the website’s hierarchy.

Breadcrumbs Settings

Breadcrumbs Layout:
This setting provides two layout options for displaying breadcrumbs on your website.


Breadcrumbs Style Option

Breadcrumbs Background Color

Set the background color of the breadcrumb links.

Background for Last Child

This option allows you to highlight the last item in the breadcrumb (usually the page the user is on). If you turn it on, you can assign a different background color to make the last breadcrumb stand out.

Color for Last Child

Similar to the background, you can set a custom text color for the last breadcrumb in the path to help it stand out.

Enable Opacity

You can add a transparency effect to the breadcrumb links. Turning this on will let you adjust how solid or transparent the breadcrumb appears.

Decrease Opacity By

Use this slider to control how much transparency is applied to the breadcrumb background when opacity is enabled. Lower values make it more transparent.

Breadcrumb Items Padding

You can adjust the spacing around each breadcrumb link by setting padding values. These values (Top, Right, Bottom, and Left) let you create more space around the text, making the breadcrumb links easier to read.

Home Link Customization

Custom Home Link Text

This option lets you rename the “Home” link in the breadcrumb path. Turn this on if you want to change the default “Home” label to something else.

Home Link Text

This is where you enter the new text for the Home link. For example, if you want it to say “Main Page” instead of “Home,” type that here.

Use Home Link Icon

You can add an icon next to the Home link to make it more visually distinct. For example, you might want to add a house icon.

Hide Text (Display Icon Only)

If you want to show only the icon and not the word “Home,” turn this option on.

Home Link Icon

Select the icon to display next to the Home link. This could be any icon that fits your site’s style.

Home Link Icon Size

Adjust the size of the icon displayed for the Home link. A larger value will make the icon bigger.

Home Link Icon Color

Customize the color of the Home icon to match the theme of your site.

Text Settings

Global Text Alignment

This option allows you to choose how the breadcrumb text is aligned (left, center, or right). Pick the one that fits best with your layout.

Global Text Size

Adjust the overall size of the breadcrumb text. A larger number will make the text bigger.

Text Customization Options


Select a font style for the breadcrumb text. You can choose from various fonts to match your website’s design.

Text Shadow

You can add a shadow effect to the breadcrumb text. This can make the text stand out more.

Text Color

Set the color of the breadcrumb text for normal display.

Link Text Settings

This allows you to customize the style of breadcrumb links.

Typography: Choose the font style for the link text.

Link Text Shadow: Add a shadow effect specifically for the link text to give it more dimension.

Link Text Color: Choose the color for the links in the breadcrumb path.

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